

  1. Chikuzai Erabu (choosing the bamboo)
  2. Tame no Sagyo (bamboo bending)
  3. Nekko no Yasurigake (root end formation)
  4. Kanjiri/ago giri (cutting the ends)
  5. Fushi nuki (node extraction)
  6. Zetsumen Kezuru (formation of chin rest)
  7. Teana akeru (hole drilling)
  8. Choritsu (tuning)
  9. Binding


  1. Chikuzai Erabu: Choosing the bamboo
  2. Warming bamboo; heat preparation
  3. Tame no sagyo: straightening bamboo
  4. Forming the flute shape
  5. Kanjiri kiri: cutting off the end
  6. Nakatsugi-kiri: separating the shaft in two
  7. Gekan fushi nuki: opening the flute by removing the fushi joints
  8. Hozo hori: mortise joint, connecting insert preparation
  9. Ware maki: anti-crack reinforcement binding
  10. Hozo ire: installment of tenon, connecting piece
  11. Setchaku: bonding of hozo to shakuhachi
  12. Hozo (connector) installation
  13. Te-ana shirushi tsuke; marking position of finger holes
  14. Opening of te ana, finger holes
  15. Zetsumen giri: mouthpiece shaping cut
  16. Ago ake: shaping chin piece
  17. Utaguchi hori: mouthpiece insert preparation
  18. Utaguchi ire: installation of mouthpiece insert
  19. 3 types of mouthpieces: Fuke, Kinko, Tozan
  1. Utaguchi installation
  2. Naka kesuri: honing the flute shaft
  3. Seshime: natural, strengthening lacquer applied inside flute
  4. Ji-oki: application of putty
  5. Naka tori: honing of flute internals
  6. Guage test: flute internal check
  7. Choritsu: tuning
  8. Naka nuri and uwa nuri: application of lacquer
  9. Muro kawaki: moisture holding lacquer drying box
  10. Migaki: polishing with an uzukuri brush
  11. Fuki urushi: a lacquer application and removal
  12. Nakatsugi: ornamental gold of silver-lined brass ring to protect and secure connecting piece
  13. Wakka: the brass ring is polished for strong seal
  14. Tou-maki: securing of nakatsugi by widening rattan around brass ring
  15. Shi-age: final applications of lacquer
  16. Yaki-in: branding with maker’s hanko
  17. Kabu-mikagi: final polishing of the stock root end
  18. Kanseihin: finished shakuhachi